Companion: The Louis Vuitton Trunk
The trunk is a powerful representation of freedom, escape and broad horizons. The physical form offers perfect, rectangular balance; stability, strength and security - a connection to home when travelling abroad. School trunks evoke memories of separation and of reunion. Hand-painted initials and personalised stripes provide connection and continuity through generations. They bridge cultural boundaries and borders.
Bentleys was founded in 1989 when their renowned Chelsea shop introduced vintage luggage to a new audience elevating the trunks to a global market. Louis Vuitton hold over 25,000 vintage items in their archive providing a link between their heritage and the brand’s modern creations. Collectors have followed in Vuitton’s footsteps and private collections now represent a significant number of Bentleys’ sales.
A curated collection of trunks will be available at StART including three trunks made in 1929 for Eleanor Close-Barzin, the American philanthropist and supporter of the Arts. The suite comprises two monogrammed wardrobe trunks and a 'Lily Pons’ shoe trunk, made especially to hold 30 pairs of shoes. Eleanor was privileged enough to experience travel in its most luxurious forms and was always accompanied by her Vuittons.