Ali Kursun
Exhibiting Artist: Ali Kursun
Ali Kursun is a Geneva based self-taught abstract artist who paints intuitively. Kursun began to create his first paintings in dry pastel uniformly covering it with earth colours. His work has received attention rapidly in a career that spans ten years of creative practice. He uses a variety of unorthodox methods to produce paintings and photographs. His work is deliberately experimental. Out of his immersion in different cultures and people, his art manages to retain its quintessence: the human senses.
Kursun is a story-teller, a futurist, and a thoughtful enquirer into the conditions of life. His inquiry into the human knowledge is seminal to his personal motivation.
Kursun states “In essence, art is the unspoken language of feelings. It is about perceptual worlds and senses. You either feel a piece of artwork or you don’t. Art isintuitive. It is a universal system of communication.”