Denny Theocharakis
Exhibiting Artist: Denny Theocharakis (Greece)
Denny Theocharakis loves traveling internationally and using her camera to capture moments of everyday
life. Even though each country has its own culture and way of living, she never ceases to be amazed by how similar at their core these seemingly foreign and distant cultures are.
Her travel experiences form the basis of her practice. Using the memories and feelings from her observations of the different aspects of daily life she creates in her artworks a new, seemingly complicated, reality. A reality, which like in real life, is full of different distinct paths leading to different destinations.
Her artworks are constantly changing and evolving, as she refuses to be associated with a particular school of thought or style. Her style is uncompromising, adventurous. She is in constant search for new ways to express herself using different materials, textures, techniques.